TEST - Young Adults

Money Sign

Financial Literacy

Money management is an important tool to help young adults understand their spending habits and engage in financial responsibility, ultimately leading to greater financial freedom. The younger young adults think about making wise financial decisions, the better off they will be in the future.

Money Management


Establishing Good Credit


Obtaining a Credit Card



Caution Sign

Common Scams

Scams are a way of purposely misrepresenting a situation to financially gain at the expense of another person. Young adults are especially susceptible to certain types of fraud as they begin making financial decisions.

Rental Scams

Loan Relief

Scholarships and Financial Aid

If You Have Been Scammed






Money Sign


Financial Literacy

Money Management

Money management is an important tool to help young adults understand their spending habits and engage in financial responsibility, ultimately leading to greater financial freedom. The younger young adults think about making wise financial decisions, the better off they will be in the future.



The goal of a budget is to decide how to spend your income before you spend it, creating financial stability and the ability to plan for the future.

  • Start by estimating your expenses for a month using the previous month’s receipts, bank statements, and credit card statements. Categorize these expenses into general groups (i.e. food, rent, utilities, etc.)
  • Estimate your income for the same month by subtracting the amount you pay in taxes to get a “take-home pay” amount.
  • Compare your expenses to your income; if your income is more than your expenses, put the excess towards debt or savings. If your income is less than your expenses, look at your spending to “balance” your budget so you don’t spend more than you earn
  • Further Resources


Young adults often find themselves burdened with significant debt and very little savings.  Start saving with your first paycheck.  Money which is automatically earmarked for savings can’t be spent on a whim, helping to create more stability should you encounter tough financial times.

  • Stick to your budget.
  • Commit to saving money regularly and build up enough saved money to get you through an emergency situation.
  • Establish a direct deposit into your savings account.


Virtually all consumer purchases are made with a contract. Sometimes the contract is oral, sometimes it is in writing. Whether you are buying a car, getting a cell phone or Internet service, or renting an apartment, it will require a contract. As a result, it is important that you read and understand the contract before you complete the purchase.


Before you sign

  • If you sign a contract, it is binding. If you break the contract, you can be sued. Your signature on a contract creates a presumption that you have read and understood the contract -- even if you haven't.
  • Protect yourself by getting a written agreement. The terms agreed on must be in the contract.
  • Not all contracts have the word "Contract" typed across the top. Receipts, sales slips, tickets, guarantees -- even parking valet stubs -- can all serve as contracts.
  • When you're making a major purchase, insist on seeing the contract well in advance of signing it. Take a copy home overnight so you have plenty of time to read and understand it.
  • Don’t let the salesperson pressure you into signing.
  • Don't rely on the salesperson's summary of what the contract means. Read the entire contract and make sure you understand it. If you have trouble with the language, get someone to read it with you.
  • Study the content to make sure the terms you and the seller agreed upon are included. Negotiate for terms that you are comfortable with.
  • Never sign a contract that contains blanks. Be aware that some contracts eliminate the right to sue. Often, contracts require binding arbitration.
  • If you want a clause added or deleted from a contract, write it in or ask for a manager. If the business refuses, consider taking your business elsewhere.
  • Read credit applications before you sign. Don’t sign if the information is not true.
  • Make your signature big when you sign a contract. Sign your name large enough so that it overlaps the lines above it, so it's hard for the company to cut and paste.
  • Never leave the business without a signed copy of your contract in hand.

Establishing Good Credit

Establishing good credit facilitates significant purchases later in life. Your credit history may also be considered by potential employers, play a part in approving your apartment application, and will be critical for buying a vehicle.


Ten Tips for Building Credit

  • Have your parents include you as an authorized user or joint credit card account holder to begin building a positive credit history. Help your parents review the monthly statements and make payments to educate yourself about the process.
  • Learn about the entire credit process, from making a charge to paying a bill, to help you manage credit well later in life.
  • Understand that making every payment on time is the key to using credit to work for you; carrying a balance causes you to fall further and further into debt. Paying the full balance monthly will also help your credit score.
  • Be selective. Only apply for credit accounts that offer the incentives you want and need. Make sure the incentives you receive are enough to justify the annual fee.
  • Pay your bills on time. One of the most important steps in building and maintaining a solid credit history is to pay all of your bills on time each month. If you pay late, it may damage your credit history and lower your credit score.  You may want to consider setting your bills to be paid through automatic electronic bill pay, reducing the likelihood of payments being late.
  • Be aware of your credit cards’ credit limit, and avoid using over 30 percent of your total credit limit.  
  • Only apply for credit you need.  It is not wise to have more credit cards than you are able to pay in full each month.
  • Don’t apply for multiple lines of credit within a short period of time.  This can lower your credit score.
  • Avoid withdrawing cash from your credit card.  Due to the typically inflated rates on cash advances, only use this option in case of an emergency.
  • Check your credit reports.  Each of the three major credit bureaus offer a free credit report every 12 months.  Request your credit report on an alternating basis every four months. (i.e. Experian in January, TransUnion in May, Equifax in October).   See the Identity Theft page for credit bureau contact information


The first major expenses in a young adult’s life are often their education and their first vehicle purchase. If you need to borrow money, carefully consider your options.


Student Loans

  • Paying for school can be a significant financial burden. Carefully consider tuition and other costs of attendance when choosing a school.
  • Limit the amount of money you are borrowing even if you are approved for a larger loan. 
  • Have a clear repayment plan, and make sure you are able to make the monthly payments.
  • If you need help deciding how much to borrow, consider speaking with a financial aid counselor at your school and using a college budget calculator.

Auto Loans

  • Determine how much money you can comfortably spend on a vehicle payment each month.
  • Factor in the cost of insurance, registration fees, taxes, and routine maintenance.
  • Shop around for both the vehicle and the loan. Check multiple lenders for the best annual percentage rate.   
  • Limit the amount of money you are borrowing even if you are approved for a larger loan. 

Obtaining a Credit Card

Credit cards can be a tool to build your credit or a weight on your finances you struggle to overcome. Selecting the right credit card is incredibly important for maintaining financial stability.


Searching for the right card

  • Find a reputable credit card company with reasonable interest rates
  • Start with a low credit limit.
  • Consider getting a credit card that offers rewards that best benefit you.
  • Be aware of credit cards that charge an annual fee. Consider whether the benefits outweigh the annual fee.
  • Read the fine print of the credit agreement. Be aware of rates that are only introductory, and costly hidden fees.

Warning Sign


Common Scams


Rental Scams

Young adults are targets of rental scams due to their short-term housing needs and constant transitions as they attend college, move to start new careers, and begin families of their own.

Scammers may post an advertisement for a rental at a great price on free internet sites. The ads appear to be legitimate. However, once interest is shown in the property, the scammer pressures that consumer to send a deposit immediately. After the money is sent, the victim never hears from the scammer again.


Warning Signs

  • The landlord tells you to wire money. There’s never a good reason to wire money to pay a security deposit, application fee, first month’s rent, or vacation rental fee, even if you receive a contract first. Wiring money is the same as sending cash. Once you send it, it is nearly impossible to get it back.
  • The landlord wants payment before you’ve met or signed a lease. Do not send payment to the landlord without seeing the property. If you can’t visit an apartment or house yourself, ask someone you trust to go and confirm that it’s for rent, and that it is what was advertised. In addition to setting up a meeting, do a search on the owner and listing. If you find the same ad listed under a different name, that’s a clue it may be a scam.
  • The landlord claims they’re out of the country. Don’t send money to anyone overseas, even if they claim an “agent” will get you the keys. If you can’t meet in person, see the apartment, or sign a lease before you pay, keep looking. If the rental itself is overseas, paying with a credit card or through a reputable vacation rental website with its own payment system are your safest bets.

Loan "Relief"

Scammers will attempt to take advantage of young adults’ significant student debt burden by offering services to “manage”, “eliminate”, or “relieve” the debt. Companies making such claims are not affiliated with the U.S. Department of Education and are often fraudulent. Most of the services they offer are already provided for free by the Federal loan servicer or can not be accomplished (such as immediate loan forgiveness).


Warning Signs

  • Requiring up-front fees for help. It is illegal to require a fee up-front for this service and any company which demands your credit card number or bank account information before taking any action is likely fraudulent.
  • Promising total and immediate loan forgiveness or cancellation. This is not possible under Federal law. Government forgiveness programs are complicated and often require years of qualifying payments or employment in a certain job; they are not “immediate” or “easy”. No companies are able to negotiate for a “special forgiveness program” in the Federal student loan programs.
  • Asking for your FSA ID username, password, or third-party authorization power. Neither the U.S. Department of Education nor any of its vendors will ask for your login information or for third-party authorization. This ID has the same legal status as your written signature; do not give it to anyone or they will be able to make changes to your account without your permission.
  • Claiming their offer is “limited”. There are deadlines for some student loan programs, but these are offered through certified vendors who will not push you to speed up your decision due to the “discontinuation” of a program.
  • Errors in communications. Many scammers will send out formal-looking communication, but the documents themselves will contain spelling or grammatical errors. Any sort of major errors in communication you receive is an indication the company is not affiliated with the Department of Education.

*source: studentaid.gov/resources

Scholarships and Financial Aid

Scholarship and Financial Aid Scams promise something too good to be true: guaranteed free money with no strings attached. Scammers will ask for money or financial information in order to give away the “scholarship” but never return the deposit or distribute a scholarship. Young adults are often searching for scholarships in high school and college, making them targets for such fraud.


Recognize the Warning Signs

  • Immediate payments: Companies or programs that require a payment up front but don’t offer anything immediately in return are likely a scam. Even if the company offers a “money back guarantee”, there are almost always details in the fine print that make it impossible to get your money back. Immediate payments without any immediate returns are a red flag.
  • Guaranteed Winning Contests: Any business claiming that if you pay them, you are “guaranteed” to receive a scholarship is likely a scam. If you did not enter a contest but receive notice that you’re a “finalist”, it’s likely a scam. A simple rule of thumb to use with “winning contests” is that if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Processing Fees: Scammers may charge a processing fee to “handle the paperwork” to apply for financial aid eligibility. However, the only application used to determine financial aid eligibility is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is easily filled out for free.
  • Legitimate Enterprises: Some legitimate companies charge students money to compare their resumes with existing scholarships or give out opportunities. However, the offer becomes a scam when the company guarantees that for a fee, individuals will receive a scholarship.

*source: consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0082-scholarship-and-financial-aid-scams