Open enrollment is here, the period during which you may freely enroll in or change your health insurance plan through Medicare or the Affordable Care Act. To protect yourself when enrolling or changing your health insurance plan, make sure to consider the following:
- If you’re looking for coverage under the Affordable Care Act, only shop for coverage at
- If you need help with Medicare, call 1-800-MEDICARE or go to
- When buying private insurance, make sure it’s insurance rather than a medical discount plan.
The attached radio alert provides more information regarding how to detect potential open enrollment scams.
3D Consumer Alert is a series of 60-second educational radio spots written and produced by the Consumer Protection Division of the Nebraska Attorney General’s Office. The purpose is to prevent the victimization of Nebraskans by arming them with the education and tools to Deter, Detect, and Defend (the 3Ds) against the frauds, scams, and pressing consumer issues prevalent across our state.
Please find the 60-second audio (3D Alert) and the accompanying script at