Credit Reporting

Obtaining Credit

Open End and Closed End Credit

Credit is a broad term that covers all sorts of financial arrangements.  Generally, there are two types of credit: “open end” and “closed end.”

Open end credit is an ongoing extension of credit that may continue indefinitely, assuming neither party withdraws.  Credit cards are the most common form of open end credit.  As the consumer pays off the balance of the card, additionally credit becomes immediately available.

Online Safety

Safety Tips for Your Online Devices

That smartphone in your pocket – or your tablet, laptop, or desktop computer – contains significant information about you and your friends and family including contact numbers, photos, location information, and more. Your internet-connected devices need to be protected. Take the following security precautions and enjoy the conveniences of technology with peace of mind while you are on the go.



The kindness and compassion of our citizens are part of what makes Nebraska great. That kindness is in no small part reflected in Nebraska’s charitable sector, both by the work of Nebraska’s charities and the tremendous amount of charitable giving by Nebraskans.

Stopping Unwanted Telemarketing, Mail, and Emails

Scammers often use telephone, mail, and email solicitation to lure people into their schemes, often by posing as legitimate businesses who contact a consumer out of the blue. One of the best ways to protect yourself against fraudsters is to cut off the ability of businesses to call you or send you unsolicited mail in the first place. Recognize the warning signs of scams and fraud, and cut down on unwanted phone calls and email, by following the steps below. 

Identity Theft

Anyone can become a victim of identity theft.  The effects of identity theft can be devastating and take years to unravel. It is important for you to know how to detect identity theft and what to do if your identity has been stolen.  The Nebraska Attorney General’s Office has an Identity Theft A Consumer Guide that will help you through the process of protecting yourself should your identity be stolen.  In addition, please find information about identity theft below.

Thank You

We have received the information you submitted and will review it as soon as possible. If we determine your complaint is under our jurisdiction, we may communicate between you and the business. This process may take several weeks to several months. If you have an urgent issue, you may need to contact a private attorney.

You may want to evaluate if your complaint would be better addressed by one of the following agencies: